Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 May 2020

May 20, 2020

How to Lose Weight Naturally | Weight Loss Home Remedies

Weight Loss Home Remedies | How to Lose Weight Naturally

Obesity or excessive weight is a serious health concern in which the accumulation of excess body fat exhibits adverse effects on the body. Excessive weight increases the risk of various medical conditions and diseases, especially Type–2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, osteoarthritis, obstructive sleep apnea, depression, and some types of cancers.

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Excess weight and obesity have become one of the leading health problems all over the world. Various health organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and medical experts perceive obesity as one of the most severe public health concerns of the 21st century.

According to the WHO website–
  • Obesity is the foremost preventable cause of death globally.
  • The number of obese individuals nearly tripled since 1975 worldwide. In most countries of the world, obesity has killed more people than underweight.
  • Around 1.9 billion adults aged more than 18 were overweight in 2016, in which more than 650 million people were classified as obese. It means that 39% of the world’s adults were overweight, and 13% of them were obese.
  • More than 340 million children and adolescents grouped in the age from 5 to 19 were overweight or obese in 2016.
  • In 2018, about 40 million children below the age of 5 were overweight or obese.

The Causes behind Weight Gain [Overweight]

Understanding the causes of weight Several studies and researches were conducted to determine the causes behind weight gain in most people.
1. Excessive Eating
Excess eating is the primary factor behind gaining more weight. The blend of bellyful food energy intake, along with a lack of physical exercise aggravates the problem of weight gain.
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Most people overeat due to taste, habit, or stress. In any case, since the calorie intake is more than required, it leads to weight gain.

2. Sugars

Added sugars are probably the worst ingredient for someone who is trying to lose weight.

Sugar is mainly carbohydrates and extremely high in calories. It is half glucose and half fructose. When consumed regularly, sugars can alter hormones and biochemistry of the body, which can contribute to weight gain. A large amount of fructose intake can develop insulin resistance and elevate insulin levels in the body.

Sugars are often known as ‘empty calories’ because they are incredibly high in calories.

3. Availability of Engineered Junk Food

This is one of the primary reasons for the expansion of people’s waistlines.

Big corporations have created heavily processed foods mixed with additives, and they do aggressive marketing of their products. Junk food is designed to be cheaper, tastier, and last longer. Other than this, these delicious, sugar-sweetened junk food creates a food addiction by stimulating reward centers in the brain.

Most junk or fast foods contain high quantities of sugar, fat, and carbs and least or no amount of other nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It means that people having junk foods are consuming a lot of unhealthy calories that lead to weight gain.

4. Lack of Physical Activities

Lack of physical exercise and more tilt towards a sedentary lifestyle has promoted obesity in the past few decades. Physical activities help in burning extra calories and stimulate the release of endorphins and dopamine that lifts the mood of the person.

5. Genetics

The causes of excessive weight include a genetic factor also, which increases the genetic susceptibility of someone to gain extra weight if their family members suffer from obesity as well.

6. Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is the number one reason to promote obesity among women. Most women intentionally eat more during pregnancy to support the child’s growth. However, it becomes difficult to shed the extra weight after delivery.

7. Insomnia

Lack of sleep or alterations in sleep cycles significantly affects the eating patterns of a person.

A 2013 study has indicated that sleep-deprived people are more skewed towards eating carbohydrates than required for energy needs, leading to weight gain.

8. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes, especially during menopause, women experience weight gain around the abdominal area and hips. It is because of the hormone responsible for regulating menstruation and ovulation – Estrogen – begins to decline.

Due to some hormonal changes in the middle years of both genders, the metabolism of the body slows down, which can lead to weight gain.

Several medical conditions that can cause hormonal changes in both genders include hypothyroidism, elevation in cortisol production, and increased production of aldosterone.

9. Fluid Retention or Edema

Fluid(or water) retention is another condition that can lead to obesity. It can cause the hands, feet, abdomen, and face to look swollen.

People with certain medical conditions, such as heart problems, kidney diseases or liver issues may suffer from weight gain due to edema.

10. Certain Medications

Certain medications can also cause weight gain or obesity rapidly.

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Some of these are –

  • Corticosteroids
  • Antidepressants
  • Antipsychotic medications
  • Birth control pills

Harmful Effects of Overweight or Obesity

Excess weight and obesity are linked to various risks and health problems.

1. Hypertension

Excess weight contributes to high blood pressure and other related problems.

2. Type – 2 Diabetes

High weight promotes insulin resistance and elevates high blood sugar levels in the body.

3. Risk of Heart Diseases

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Obesity is related to a heightened risk of high blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar, which can increase the chances of heart diseases and heart attacks

4. Risk of Stroke

Excess weight elevates blood pressure, which is a leading cause of stroke.

5. Sleep apnea

Excess weight can lead to narrowing or blocking of airways at night when the muscles are too relaxed. It can result in breathing problems for some periods at night.

6. Cancer

Obesity has been associated with certain types of cancers, such as liver cancer, kidney cancer, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

7. Liver Disease

Obesity has been affiliated with a spectrum of liver abnormalities– extra fat can build up around the liver that can lead to liver damage and, sometimes, liver failure.

8. Gallbladder problems

Excessive weight elevates the risk of gallbladder problems and gallstones, which sometimes may require surgical procedures.

9. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Obesity has been directly associated with a higher risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or more commonly known as heartburn. It occurs when the acids present in the stomach flows towards the esophagus, which is the food pipe connecting the throat and stomach, due to pressure exerted by excess abdominal fat on the stomach.

10. Kidney Diseases

The risk of diabetes and high blood pressure is higher in obese people, which are the leading factors of kidney damage. Other than this, kidneys have to work harder and filter wastes above the average level due to heightened metabolic demands of high body weight.

11. Muscles and Bones weakening

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Obesity can deteriorate muscle mass and bone density in a person that can lead to fracture risk and disability.

12. Joint pains

Excess weight exerts additional strain on the joints,  such as knee joints, which can result in joint pain and stiffness.

13. Promotes infertility

Excessive weight has an inverse effect on the reproductive health of a person. Obese women experience issues related to menstrual dysfunction and anovulation.

The risks of infertility, lower conception rates, miscarriage rates, and pregnancy complications are higher in overweight women. The low fertility issues are visible in obese men due to a decrease in testosterone levels and erectile problems.

14. Skin problems

Obesity can cause several skin problems such as stretch marks, skin rashes, intertrigo, etc. Excess weight creates body folds that retain moisture. It promotes the growth of bacteria and fungi in the folds leading to body fold rashes and various other infections like intertrigo.

15. Increases Depression

Several kinds of research have linked obesity with depression and mental health problems. Obesity can lead to poor self – image, low self – esteem, and social isolation, which are well-known contributors to depression.

Now, that we know what causes obesity and what risk factors are involved with excess fat. Let’s look at some of the most effective home remedies for weight loss.

Home Remedies for Weight Loss Naturally

You can easily lose your body weight by doing simple methods. Some people ask how to lose weight naturally or how to lose weight in 7 days or without exercise. Then there is no secret method to lose weight you have to make a diet plan for weight loss.

There are so many diets that nutritionists recommend for losing weight, such as low–carb diet, the Dukan diet, the Atkins diet, the keto diet, the paleo diet and the list goes on.

However, a few lifestyle changes and a little knowledge about what to eat and what not to eat is sufficient to lose weight without feeling starved all the time.

Here, we present a list of lifestyle changes and home remedies to lose weight naturally and without exercise.

1. Consume whole, single-ingredient foods and avoid processed food items

One of the most effective ways to reduce weight is by cutting all types of processed and junk foods from the diet and replace them with whole, single-ingredient foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, pulses, nuts, seeds, meat, dairy, and other foods that occur in nature.

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By eliminating junk foods, you are avoiding a large portion of added sugars, added fats, and extra calories.

Most whole foods are naturally very filling, which is extremely helpful in limiting the calorie intake by a person.

Furthermore, the naturally occurring whole, single-ingredient foods items are loaded with various essential nutrients required by the body to function well.

2. Eat healthy snacks

Everybody likes to munch between meals while watching TV, reading, or working. So, stock up your refrigerator with healthy snack options like fruits, nuts, vegetables like carrots, yogurt, or hard-boiled eggs. These food items are easy to prepare and serve as the best snacks for someone who wants to shed some extra weight.

3. Indulge in some physical exercise

Regular physical activity is hugely beneficial in losing excess weight and maintaining a healthy weight.

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Indulging in any form of physical activity such as running, jogging, cycling, power walking, or hiking burns off several calories, reduces the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, and improves physical and mental health.

Less caloric intake, along with burned calories from physical activities, creates a “calorie deficit,” which results in weight loss. It is particularly useful in lowering dangerous belly fat that develops around the organs and gives birth to metabolic diseases.

4. Drink water

Drinking lots of water can assist you in losing weight. Drinking water helps in boosting metabolism, cleanse toxic elements out of the body, and behave like an appetite suppressant.

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Having a glass of water before eating a meal is very helpful in reducing calorie intake by decreasing the food requirement of the body.

Water is particularly beneficial in replacing high calorie, sweetened beverages like soft drinks, hot chocolate, etc.

5. Take adequate sleep

Sleep plays a significant role in a healthy body and mind.

Many studies have associated a lack of sleep to a higher body mass index (BMI) and weight gain. One of the obvious reasons is that people don’t eat when they are asleep.

Besides this, poor sleep also increases a person’s appetite by impacting two hunger hormones – Ghrelin and Leptin.

The levels of ghrelin are high in the stomach when the stomach is empty, which signals hunger in the brain. Leptin quashes hunger and indicates fullness in the brain.

Lack of sleep triggers more ghrelin and less leptin production, increasing the person’s appetite. Hence, short sleepers generally have higher body weights.

Also, the level of hormone cortisol arises when an individual does not get enough sleep. Cortisol is a stress hormone that also contributes in increasing appetite.

6. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that fluctuates between the periods of fasting and eating food. This practice does not limit the type or amount of food intake. It only restricts food consumption to a particular time window.

There are several methods to do intermittent fastings, such as the 5:2 diet, the 16:8 method, and the eat-stop-eat method.

Intermittent fasting is associated with weight loss as well as other health benefits, such as blood sugar levels improvement, cholesterol levels reduction promotes heart health, improving brain functions, and increasing lifespan.

7. Eat meals in small plates

Human psychology affects every aspect of our lives. It affects our eating habits also.

Some studies have proven that people who eat their meals in smaller plates tend to eat less. It is human tendency to fill the plates equally regardless of the plate sizes. Therefore, eating food in small plates can help you in losing weight.

8. Chew your food properly

Eating slowly by properly chewing food offers several benefits.

Firstly, by eating too fast, there is always the risk of consuming more calories before the brain signaling the body to stop. So, more time people take to finish their meal; higher is the probability that they will feel full even after consuming smaller portions.

Secondly, chewing aids in the proper digestion of food. Chewing breaks down food into smaller fragments before swallowing, which is beneficial for the digestion of food.

9. Divide your meals

The division of meals is an interesting concept verified by numerous researchers all over the world. Instead of consuming three heavy meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, try eating six lighter meals every 3 – 4 hours. It prevents you from excessive eating because the stomach is never empty.

10.Consume unsweetened green tea

Green tea is linked with various health benefits, including weight loss. It is loaded with antioxidants, boosts metabolism rates, and prevents fat storage in the body.

Many researchers believe that green tea increases energy expenditure by 4% and escalates selective fat burning, particularly dangerous belly fat, by up to 17%.

So, substituting coffee or regular tea with green tea is a good option for those who are trying to lose weight.

11. Have more fiber

Fiber-rich foods are incredibly useful in weight loss process.

Soluble fiber foods such as citrus fruits, berries, apples, potatoes and barley are particularly helpful because they mix with water to produce a viscous, gel-type substance that slows down the pace of release of digested food into the gut from the stomach. It provides a sense of fullness for a more extended period.

Fibers also encourage friendly gut bacteria diversity, which is also linked with reducing obesity, especially belly fat.

12. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the best weight loss-friendly foods. They are low energy density eatables; so, even by having large servings, the person is not consuming high calories.

how to lose weight naturally

Fruits and vegetables provide other health benefits also. They are a good source of vitamins, minerals, soluble and insoluble fiber, antioxidants, and other micronutrients. They keep the body hydrated, aids in the digestion of food, and beneficial in the removal of toxins from the body.

13. Lemon water

Lemon water is a fantastic remedy to lose belly fat. It helps in detoxifying the liver, which enhances the metabolism of the body. This drink is refreshing and non-fattening.

For maximum benefits, drink it in the morning before consuming anything by squeezing half a lemon in one glass of water.

14. Drink unsweetened coffee

Drinking unsweetened tea is one of the most popular home remedies for weight loss. Coffee supports weight loss by suppressing appetite and stimulating calorie burning. It is also beneficial because it contains antioxidants and other useful compounds.

Excess weight or obesity is the root of several health disorders and diseases. Hence, it is incredibly essential to maintain the ideal body weight. The key to maintaining the ideal weight of the body is by eating healthy foods and do some physical activities regularly.

I hope you like this post about Weight Loss Home Remedies | How to Lose Weight Naturally. Please share this article with your friends and on social media to let others know this information. If you have any suggestions or query then feel free to comment below.

Thursday 5 March 2020

March 05, 2020

Excellent Guide On Water Crisis And Ways to Test Drinking Water at Home

Water consists of more than 60% of the weight of the human body and about 95% of the brain. You need it to live and probably end up consuming approximately 2-3 liters of water per day. Therefore, being such an important part of our lives, it is important to ensure that the quality of the water we drink meets the standard requirements.
Water crisis around the world

With the current water crisis in the US In the US, most people wonder how they can verify water quality, that is, if the water they drink is contaminated with bacteria, lead or any other contamination.

Therefore, people residing in the United States have now been asked to use filtered and bottled water only in the foreseeable future until the problems are resolved. If you are unsure of the number of minerals your drinking water should contain, try researching online.

Although most cities in the United States do not face water problems in this regard, the likelihood of water contamination is a real threat. The average American household of five people uses 350 gallons of water daily to bathe, wash clothes and drink.

Prospective solutions

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the decomposition of plumbing material in the home often leads to contamination of drinking water. If a house was built before 1980, it is a good idea to monitor the pipes and pipes for excessive decomposition.

Although most water systems analyze lead contaminants, sometimes even the best may not reflect the condition of a particular home. Therefore, it is suggested that you choose wisely, after a thorough investigation.

Since contaminants that make people sick are often colorless and tasteless, EPA suggests several strategies for homeowners: the first is to buy a water analysis kit, which you can easily buy from Amazon or you can get it from a supplier. water place.

Very often, several health departments offer to come to analyze a household's water supply for contaminants and bacteria, if requested, as WRDW mentions. However, if people choose to analyze the water with a personal kit, they have the option of sending the results to a nearby certified laboratory.

You can also check drinking water on your own at your home with these methods. These methods are used at-home water testing kits for drinking water so you can check if the water is safe to drink. These drinking water quality testing methods are easy to use with little knowledge. You can also go to certified water testing labs near you.

Choice of a water test kit

If you are looking for a suitable water test kit, there are two options available to you according to your needs: the first one is for occasional users, which is simply the tip of Dip-Wait-Read test strips and another one is for those who carry Outside of daily water tests, these precise and practical digital water tests are ideal. so these are common home water testing kits for drinking water.

All-in-one water test kit

This kit is useful for testing about 13 pollutants that are often found in water. It is used to analyze pesticides, lead, bacteria, nitrites, nitrates, pH, hardness, and chlorine.

Individual contaminant water test kit

It helps to identify the levels of a single contaminant in the water with quick results. You can test the pH, alkalinity or hardness, etc. in water.

I hope you like this post about the Excellent Guide On Water Crisis And Ways to Test Drinking Water at Home. Please share it with other people on social media to help them know this information. If you have any suggestions or query feel free to comment below. 
March 05, 2020

Discover Why Leisure World is the Best Place in Cork for Personal Training

Discover Why Leisure World is the Best Place in Cork for Personal Training

When the subject of personal training usually appears Cork; There are very few places where you can get the best out of such training that can help you stay 100% fit and ready for your daily challenges. This is where Leisure World has been able to demonstrate that it is one step ahead of others in the field of personal training. You can also check for any personal training courses online and get personal training certification and start personal training courses for free.
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Are you looking for reasons to hire a personal Leisure World trainer in Cork? Do you know that since the appearance of Leisure World, personal training has been redefined? If you have been among those who think what this place is about, then you are in the right place. This is because this post will reveal to you why it is the best place in Cork for personal training. Some of them will be listed and explained below.

The best training experts

When it comes to Cork personal training, you will have noticed that most personal trainers adopt one or two training techniques for all of their clients. This means that while some may benefit from such techniques, others may not.

Leisure World is a company that will ensure that you have good reasons to hire a personal trainer in this regard. This is because their trainers are professionals who use the most modern techniques to ensure that their clients are fit. They make sure they observe it and adopt the most appropriate methods that can help you stay fit.

Modern training facilities

The world of leisure is simply one of the best, not only for the fact that it gives you some really good reasons to hire a personal trainer but also because its training facilities are top-notch and live up to. These are facilities that will give you a really good value for your money.

Better payment plans

Do you know that the leisure world offers you the opportunity to make payments at your convenience? This means that you do not have to worry about making the payment on an annual or monthly basis since they operate pay-per-use plans to use your training facilities. This means that if you are operating on a shoe chain budget, you can still have access to your training facilities.

In conclusion of the above, it can be seen that the world of leisure is one step ahead of its competitors due to the fact that it not only gives some good reasons to hire a personal trainer but also because it has access to the most modern training facilities on the most favorable payment plans.

I hope you like this post about Discover Why Leisure World is the Best Place in Cork for Personal Training. Please share it with other people on social media to help them know this information. If you have any suggestions or query feel free to comment below. 
March 05, 2020

Cost Plays The Major Role In Why Dental Treatment Abroad Is Popular

"Dental tourism" is a growing occurrence, with a large number of people traveling to Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey, and even Thailand and India to receive their treatment at a lower cost and benefit from the high-quality dental treatment available there. Many patients combine treatment with tourism. You can first check your area for any dental treatment by searching on google for a dentist near me.
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It is a common belief that going abroad for dental treatment can reduce the bill by up to 70%.

For example, in the case of an implant, clients receiving treatment in the United Kingdom can expect to pay around £ 2,000 for each implant. In comparison, such a procedure will cost around £ 900 in Hungary and Poland.

The difference in the cost of minor treatments is also significant. In the United Kingdom, the sheet costs around £ 500, but around £ 215 in Poland, £ 270 in Hungary and £ 150 in Thailand.

A growing number of websites provide information on how to organize dental work abroad, one of which is Salutara, and most of the clinics that provide treatment abroad promote their online businesses. With such outings, any fear you may have about going abroad for treatment is relieved. In addition, they will take you to a treatment room highly equipped with modern technologies. And they will take you to a clinic where everyone speaks English well.

In fact, dental treatment abroad has become very popular among UK residents, especially because it is an expensive and challenging treatment in the region.

As useful as dental treatment abroad may seem, there are horror stories. The standard of care can be high in most destinations, but there are dishonest operators. Before booking an appointment, read customer testimonials carefully or request permission to speak directly with previous users of the service.

I hope you like this post about Cost Plays The Major Role In Why Dental Treatment Abroad Is Popular. Please share it with other people on social media to help them know this information. If you have any suggestions or query feel free to comment below. 
March 05, 2020

The Impact Of Plastic Surgery On Actors And Actresses!

The Impact Of Plastic Surgery On Actors And Actresses!

To present the sexy and sexy body on the screen, actors and actresses will look for various types of cosmetic corrections. As you go through the "Before and after" photos of the Stars Plastic Surgery album, you will understand the dramatic transformation potential of plastic surgery. In this context, you must have access to a proven surgeon.
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Choose the right option

The surgeon who had handled hundreds of cases in the past may offer you the best options. When you choose the best harmless treatment, there will be an amplification of beauty and improve your professional perspectives.

Facial corrections

Lifting, sucking, sucking and straightening will be done to improve the beauty of your face. The cheekbones will be sculpted effortlessly so you can make the most of your money. Loose thighs will stack and the stomach will flatten when making cosmetic corrections. As the eye bags are removed, there will be no effect of aging on the skin. There will be no harm to others when you go to plastic surgery. If it looks great, you will get the best deals in the industry so you can make the most of your investment.


As you progress in the Plastic Surgery of Stars, you will understand the importance of personal hygiene and self-discipline so that you can achieve the best composure and maintain it without any problems. When you go to lift your eyelids, forehead, and face, there will be a dramatic transformation of your face.

Access to the best treatment.

Although plastic surgery is not mandatory to survive in the glamor industry, it will certainly improve your prospects. In this context, you should choose the best clinic where you have access to the best infrastructure and experienced surgeon. Side effects will be minimized when a skilled surgeon performs the operation.

I hope you like this post about The Impact Of Plastic Surgery On Actors And Actresses. Please share it with other people on social media to help them know this information. If you have any suggestions or query feel free to comment below. 

Tuesday 4 February 2020

February 04, 2020

How Coronavirus Spreads, and How to Stay Safe

Coronavirus is a very contagious disease and this has a high fatality rate. Coronavirus disease enters to human beings from infected animals. This disease commonly found in animals and from there this disease transmitted to humans. 

Coronavirus has many symptoms like high fever, chilling, coughing and difficulty in breathing. This disease easily transmitted from one infected person to another person if there are no precautions used. 

Background of Coronavirus

Coronavirus disease originated in Wuhan in China. In that place, there are a lot of markets where animal meat is sold without proper hygiene. There is no proper cause identified to this disease. Some say this disease came from kinds of seafood, snakes and from bats. People eat that unhealthy animal meat and that virus comes into the human stream.

The area affected by the Corona virus

Currently, this disease goes to all over countries and thousand of people are infected with this. Most cases are reported in China's Wuhan district. Till this time 427 people die from the corona virus breach. China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macau, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, France, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, The United States, Vietnam, Nepal, Germany, Canada, India, Italy, Philippines, Russia, England and many more are already infected with coronavirus disease.


On 1 February 427 people die with this disease all over the world mainly in china. Thousand of people still infected and under medical precautions.

Signs and Symptoms

There are many signs are shown when any person infected with this disease. The major symptoms are high fever, headache, cough, shortness of breath and diarrhea. After these symptoms the patient undergoes pneumonia.

If you have such symptoms like the runny nose with sneezing or sore throat with other symptoms that are not going away then call your near doctor and have a check-up. Corona virus mainly attacked the human body's immune system and weaken it. This will result in kidney failure and death.

Cause of Coronavirus


Corona virus spread from one infected person to another person via normal touch, sneezing, coughing. If you are outside then don't touch any door handles and other places may contaminate you.

Corona virus in Cats: There are many chances that you can contaminate yourself if you have any pet that has this disease already in it. 

Corona virus in Dogs: Like other animals, the man's best friend also infected with this disease. Always monitor the health of your pet if you see anything unusual then call your near healthcare provider.

You can also infected if your pet infected with this disease. 

How to treat Coronavirus

Still, at this time we don't have any vaccine for coronavirus. The patients of corona virus treated with AIDS medicines.


Coronavirus is a deadly disease and it can also contaminate you if you are not taking care of yourself. Keep the below points in your mind to keep yourself safe.

1. Always wash your hands and maintain proper hygiene in your surroundings.

2. Wear a proper mask with good protection on it.

3. While traveling stays away from people who feel unhealthy and keep a distance from them.

4. Don't touch anything when you are outside your home if not necessary because this may contaminate you.

5. Eat a proper diet and don't listen to rumors.

6. Always keep disinfectants with you while traveling and use it when you need it.

7. Always wear gloves to make you on the safer side.

These are major points keep in mind if you don't want to be contaminated by corona virus outbreak.

I hope you like this article and please share it with other people to know them this information. This can help someone to be safe. If you have any queries then please comment below.

Monday 8 July 2019

July 08, 2019

How to Increase Memory Power in Students | How to Increase Memory Power and Concentration

Hello, friends today I am going to tell you the most practical ways to increase memory power in students. Everyone wants a clear and sharp memory for his life especially when we are at studying in school or college level. The students who are cracking the competitions needed good memory power so that they can easily memorize the facts, ideas related to their study material.
So how to increase memory power in students. If I say when you are sleeping you can also practice yourself to increase memory power. You think that I am lying but its wrong. If you want to know how to increase memory power in students then read this article till the end. So let's begin:

1. First, you have imagined that your brain is the best in the world. He can do anything with all powers that are stored in your mind. You are the best person in this world. When you do this thing repeatedly for one to two days your subconscious mind will activate and help to activate the neurons that also helps in boosting your memory power.

2. You have to eat a balanced diet each and every day so that your body can absorb all the needed nutrients to your body. By doing this all nutrients reach your brain via your blood and help to increase your memory power.

3. You have to complete your sleeping process daily at least 6-8 hrs. Sleeping in a correct time period can make your body active and helps you to work at maximum potential. Our brain needed rest so we have to take a minimum of 6 to 8 hours of sleep every day.

4. You have to think about positive things always. No matter which situation is you facing you has to tell your mind that everything is ok and things will be positive and good for you. Act according to your situation wisely. This helps to make your brain positive about things that you are doing and helps to increase your self-confidence.

5. Always believe in yourself and you can do anything in this world. Again no negative energy bring to your brain. Believe that you can achieve this or that thing easily with a matter of time. Always live in positive people and neglect negative minded people who can give you negative thoughts.

6. Always drink plenty of water so that your body becomes hydrated every time. Your brain also needs a good quality of oxygen to think so that's why when you drink plenty of water then the oxygen present in it reaches your brain via blood vessels and helps to increase your memory power.

7. Get up early in the morning and go to walk daily preferable on the grass with bare feet. At that time think about yourself and that nature and discuss the future plans about yourself. This also makes you mentally strong.

8. Repeat the study material at least 2-3 time that you studied in a day. This helps you to gain more memory and helps you to learn things fast.

9. Divide the study timings per hour for each subject daily so that you can focus on all subjects daily. By doing this you are mentally prepared for all subjects in less time. Never leave your work for the next day.

10. Meditate each and every day so that your body cells relax and ready for the work on next time. This also helps in bringing good memory cells in your brain and your memory power increases.

11. Daily spend 30 mins on light exercises. This help to remove toxic materials from your body and you feel fresh.

These are the main key points for attaining How to Increase Memory Power in Students | How to Increase Memory Power and Concentration. You have practiced daily to achieve good brain health and memory in best working condition.